Strategies for creating a finished pastel from a drawing

I work from live models to create drawings which are usually completed in under 20 minutes. These may or may not have background information which the finished painting will need. I use different strategies to create full compositions including referencing inspirational work which I have collected.


Conte drawings are only a starting point

I liked the energy which this drawing had but there was little in the way of background information to work with. The fabric draped chair was a starting point. Corrections in the drawing also needed to be made.


A second related sketch could be included

There were three drawings on the original 18”x24” sheet of charcoal paper. I decided to include the second drawing into my new composition by moving it to a different position on the new page.

Transfer of drawing using lightbox.jpeg

Using a lightbox to transfer the original drawings…

I traced both figure drawings onto a sheet of sanded pastel paper using nupastels. I was pleased with the duo figure comp so far.

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I begin by adding color….

with Terry Ludwig’s Portrait Set of soft pastels adding strokes of color which follow the direction and shape of the figure’s forms. My original drawing also had a hint of fabric and that is included as well, but, what next?


Using related source material

Over the years I have collected and saved reproductions of outstanding and inspirational work which I will sometimes reference for inclusion in my own work. The pastel by Degas on the left describes various fabrics and a beautifully curved shallow tub which I decided to indicate at the top of my comp and near the bottom of my work in process. I also curate a Pinterest page containing numerous boards which can also be referenced if needed.


Indicating background color and info

The tub rim is in and the color scheme of Degas’ pastel begins to influence my developing palette choices.


Window at top corner…

of the Degas pastel, one which I copied in full many years ago as a teenager and which I could almost reference from memory if need be, is included at the top of my composition. I did change the tonalities a bit as well as dropping it closer to the head of the figure than is found in the original work.


The finished pastel